
Minimum Role Required: Moderator

Set a configuration option.

!config announce <follow|subscribe|host>

Edit the announcement messages for events.

!config announce <follow|subscribe|host> <response...>

Update the response for an event announcement. The %USER% variable may be used for username substitution.

[misterjoker] !config announce follow Thanks for following the channel, %USER%!
[CactusBot] Updated announcement.

*ParadigmShift3d follows*
[CactusBot] Thanks for following the channel, ParadigmShift3d!

!config announce <follow|subscribe|host> toggle [on|off]

Toggle a specific type of event announcement. Either on or off may be used to set the exact state.

[Jello] !config announce follow toggle
[CactusBot] Follow announcements are now disabled.

*Innectic follows*
*CactusBot does not respond*

!config spam <urls|emoji|caps> <value>

Change the configuration value for a spam filter.

  • urls accepts either on or off, which allows or disallows URLs, respectively.
  • emoji accepts a number, which is the maximum amount of emoji which one message may contain.
  • caps accepts a number, which is the maximum “score” which a message may have before being considered spam.
    • The “score” is calculated by subtracting the total number of lowercase letters from the total number of uppercase letters.
[DnatorGames] !config spam urls off
[CactusBot] URLs are now disallowed.

[QuirkySquid] Whoa, check out google.com!
*CactusBot times out QuirkySquid*
[QueenofArt] !config emoji 5
[CactusBot] Maximum number of emoji is now 5.

[pingpong1109] Wow! :O :O :O :D :D :D
*CactusBot times out pingpong1109*