
The !command command is used for manipulation of custom commands. It may only be run by users of rank Mod or above.

  • To add a command, use !command add <command> <response>.
    • %targets% may also be utilized to enable dynamic responses.
    • If <command> is of the form x-y, it may be run later as either !x-y and !x y.
    • To limit the users who may run the command, append one of the prefixes to the beginning of the name.
      • + - Moderator-Only
      • $ - Subscriber-Only
[2Cubed] !command add cactusbot CactusBot! :cactus
[CactusBot] Added command !cactusbot.
[2Cubed] !cactusbot
[CactusBot] CactusBot! :cactus

[2Cubed] !command add cactusbot-twitter twitter.com/CactusBotBeam
[CactusBot] Added command !cactusbot-twitter.
[ParadigmShift3d] !cactusbot-twitter
[CactusBot] twitter.com/CactusBotBeam

[Jello] !cactusbot twitter
[CactusBot] twitter.com/CactusBotBeam

[2Cubed] !cactusbot
[CactusBot] CactusBot! :cactus

[ParadigmShift3d] !command add +raid Let's go raid %arg1%! beam.pro/%arg1%
[Innectic] !raid Matt
[CactusBot] Let's go raid Matt! beam.pro/Matt

[Innectic] !command add $fancy Look how fancy I am! I'm a subscriber! O:-)
[Xyntak] !fancy
[CactusBot] Look how fancy I am! I'm a subscriber! O:-)
  • To remove a command, use !command remove <name>.
[2Cubed] !command remove waffle
[CactusBot] Removed command !waffle.
[Innectic] Oh no, my waffles! /cry
  • To list custom commands, use !command list.
[ParadigmShift3d] !command list
[CactusBot] Commands: potato, waffle, hamster


The !quote command manages quotes. It may only be run by users of rank Mod or above.

  • To recall a random quote, use !quote.
[ParadigmShift3d] !quote
[CactusBot] ":fish :fish :fish :fish :fish :fish :fish :fish" -Matt
  • To recall a specific quote based on numerical ID, use !quote <id>.
[BreachBreachBreach] !quote 8
[CactusBot] "…*silence*…" -Stanley
  • To add a quote, use !quote add <quote>.
[Innectic] !quote add "Potatoes!" - 2Cubed
[CactusBot] Added quote with ID 9.
  • To remove a quote, use !quote remove <id>.
[ParadigmShift3d] !quote remove 9
[CactusBot] Removed quote with ID 9.


The !repeat command manages commands that are set to run at a certain interval. It may only be run by users of rank Mod or above.

  • To add a repeat, use !repeat add <interval> <command> [arguments], where <interval> is in seconds.
[Innectic] !command add space :%arg1%inaspacesuit
[CactusBot] Added command !space.
[ParadigmShift3d] !repeat add 600 space %channel%
[CactusBot] Repeating command '!space' every 600 seconds.
  • To remove a repeat, use !repeat remove <command>.
[2Cubed] !repeat remove space
[CactusBot] Removed repeat for command !space.
  • To list all repeats, use !repeat list.
[ParadigmShift3d] !repeat list
[CactusBot] Repeats: follow 3600, tweet 1800


The !social command retrieves social media data from the Beam API.

  • To retrieve links for all services, use !social.
[ParadigmShift3d] !social
[CactusBot] Youtube: https://youtube.com/2CubedTech, Twitter: https://twitter.com/2CubedTech
  • To retrieve links for specific services, use !social <services>, where <services> is a space-delimited list of services.
[Alkali_Metal] !social twitter
[CactusBot] Twitter: https://twitter.com/CactusBotBeam


The !spamprot command changes spam protection options. It may only be run by users of rank Mod or above.

  • To update the maximum amount of characters of a message, use !spamprot length <amount>, where <amount> is the desired length. The default is 256.
[ParadigmShift3d] !spamprot length 100
[CactusBot] Maximum message length set to 100.
  • To update the maximum capital characters allowed in a message, use !spamprot caps <amount>, where <amount> is the desired amount of capitals. The default is 32.
[2Cubed] !spamprot caps 20
[CactusBot] Maximum capitals per message set to 20.
  • To update the maximum emoticons allowed in a message, use !spamprot emotes <amount>, where <amount> is the desired amount of emoticons. The default is 8.
[Innectic] !spamprot emotes 4
[CactusBot] Maximum emotes per message set to 4.
[duke] :beer :mappa <3 :cactus
  • To enable or disable links in messages, use !spamprot links <value>, where <value> is either true or false. The default is false.
[ParadigmShift3d] !spamprot links true
[CactusBot] Links are now allowed.


The !friend command allows users to be ignored by spam protection. It may only be run by users of rank Mod or above.

  • To friend a user, use !friend <username>.
[2Cubed] !friend Stanley
[CactusBot] Added @Stanley as a friend.