
The %name% target is replaced with the name of the user who runs the command.

[ParadigmShift3d] !command add approve My name is %name%, and I approve this message!
[CactusBot] Added command !approve.

[ParadigmShift3d] !approve
[CactusBot] My name is ParadigmShift3d, and I approve this message!

[DnatorGames] !approve
[CactusBot] My name is DnatorGames, and I approve this message!


The %argN% target is replaced with the Nth argument passed with the command, where N is a positive integer.

[Innectic] !command add raid Let's raid %arg1%, with the message %arg2%! beam.pro/%arg1%
[CactusBot] Added command !raid.

[Blizzy] !raid Beam #CactusRaid
[CactusBot] Let's raid Beam, with the message #CactusRaid! beam.pro/Beam

[MindlessPuppets] !raid
[CactusBot] Not enough arguments!


The %args% target is replaced with all of the arguments passed.

[2Cubed] !command add hug Here's a giant hug for you, %args%! <3
[CactusBot] Added command !hug.

[pylang] !hug CactusBot users
[CactusBot] Here's a giant hug for you, CactusBot users! <3


The %count% target is replaced with the number of times the command has been run since creation.

[Innectic] !command add rip The streamer has died %count% times!
[CactusBot] Added command !rip.

[QuirkySquid] !rip
[CactusBot] The streamer has died 1 times!

[ParadigmShift3d] !rip
[CactusBot] The streamer has died 2 times!


The %channel% target is replaced with the name of the channel.

[ParadigmShift3d] !command add welcome Welcome to %channel%'s stream!
[CactusBot] Added command !welcome.

[ProbablePrime] !welcome
[CactusBot] Welcome to 2Cubed's stream!